Art & Design
Course Code |
Title |
Photography Studio |
Prerequisite |
ART 404F ART 405F |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
In-depth problem analysis and high quality technical refinement of prints. Development of personal imagery and conceptual approach in a cohesive visual investigation, documented in a portfolio of photographic works. The scope of the work and media will be determined in a contractual arrangement between student and instructor. Students must complete Art 404F and 405F prior to enrolling in this class. |
Course Code |
Title |
Drawing Studio |
Prerequisite |
ART 404H ART 405H |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
In-depth problem analysis and conceptual refinement of personal imagery, as well as continued development of a cohesive body of work. Emphasis on preparation for professional presentation or exhibition in preparation for further career development, either in formal setting or in the field. Students must complete Art 404H and 405H prior to enrolling in this class. |
Course Code |
Title |
Illustration Studio |
Prerequisite |
ART 405L |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
In-depth problem analysis and conceptual refinement of personal imagery in selected illustration media, as well as continued development of a cohesive body of work. Emphasis preparation for professional presentation in preparation for further development, either in a formal setting or in the field. Students must complete Art 404L and 405L prior to enrolling in this class. |
Course Code |
Title |
Art Therapy Related Field Experience |
Prerequisite |
ART 325 or PSY 325 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This field experience is intended for students in Junior or Senior standing who have completed at least 50% of the required Art Therapy Minor credit requirements in both Psychology and Visual Art. Students will select a placement from a list of over 20 agencies and organizations in the Fargo-Moorhead Area that have established partnerships with MSUM. These organizations and agencies range from pre-school to elder ages and include: Health care facilities, mental health agencies, juvenile education centers, elder-care facilities, homeless shelters and programs for at risk-youth. The experience is conducted under the direct leadership of a supervisor who has conveyed the mission, training requirements and parameters of the organization as well as the very specific characteristics, personal perspectives and expressive intent of the clients. Students will spend 40 hours at their site and be responsible for goal setting, reflective writing and submitting a final report. |
Course Code |
Title |
Internship |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A one semester self-directed exploration or professional experience with an artist, designer, illustrator, art museum or studio. A maximum of 12 internship credits may be applied to the degree. |
Course Code |
Title |
Art & Archaeology of Ancient Egypt |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
Exploration of the art and monuments of Egypt from the Neolithic Period to Late Antiquity. |
Course Code |
Title |
Art History Thesis |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Independent Study in art history for senior thesis. Required for art history emphasis. Students need a minimum of six credits. |
Course Code |
Title |
Professional Practices in Art |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Consideration of social, economic and legal concerns of the contemporary visual artist. Topics include: Art law, copyright law, portfolio development, exhibition preparation, and other issues pertinent to performance in the professional art world. This course is open to senior-level and BFA students. |
Course Code |
Title |
Topics in Art |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Studio, seminar or discussion of topics not included in other art courses. Up to four credits may be applied to the major. This is a topical course and may be repeated when the topic changes. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Ceramics |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Painting |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Printmaking |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Sculpture |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Photography |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Drawing |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Mentored Research in Illustration |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Guided research designed to increase the professionalism of the student's creative work in all aspects of artistic production. The course will culminate in the production of a creative portfolio of superior quality. Permission from instructor is required to enroll in this course. |
Course Code |
Title |
Independent Study in Art |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Studies selected from art history, theory of ceramics, drawing, graphic design, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and watercolor. May be repeated for up to 12 credits. |
Course Code |
Title |
Exhibition |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This course will familiarize students with professional practices involved in the preparation of work for an exhibition, interactions with gallery/museum personnel, and the execution of an exhibition. |