
Course Code
MATH 415  Credits
Title Tools & Technology for Secondary Mathematics 
Prerequisite Have at least 15 credits of undergraduate mathematics with course grades of C- or better which includes statistics and Calculus II. 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to educate pre-service secondary teachers of mathematics in the integration of instructional technology to aid in the teaching and learning of mathematics. This will involve students to acquire and demonstrate expertise with software, apps, and calculators. Develop mathematics lessons using information from discussion and research. These lessons will involve students in an active and meaningful mathematical learning experience involving instructional technology. 

Course Code
MATH 416  Credits
Title Mathematics in the Secondary School 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Objectives, methods, materials, and evaluation of teaching mathematics in grades 9-12. This course is the upper division writing course for BS majors in mathematics with the emphasis in teaching. Students in this course must have junior standing. 

Course Code
MATH 421  Credits
Title Actuarial Science I 
Prerequisite MATH 323 MATH 435 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Applications and synthesis of mathematical and statistical concepts included in the Actuarial Examination I, administered by the Society of Actuaries. Linear time series models, seasonal models, stationary models, moving average, autoregressive and ARIMA models, model identification, confidence intervals and testing, forecasting and error analysis. 

Course Code
MATH 427  Credits
Title Linear Algebra II 
Prerequisite MATH 327 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description In this course, students will learn about vector spaces, including subspaces, sums, direct sums, span, linear independence, bases and dimensions. Students will understand the relationship between matrices and linear transformations including, eigenvectors, eigenspaces, the characteristic polynomial, Jordan form, determinants and trace.  

Course Code
MATH 435  Credits
Title Mathematical Statistics I 
Prerequisite MATH 335 and MATH 311 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Discrete and continuous probability distributions, marginal and conditional densities, moment generating functions, transformations, and limiting distributions. Sampling distributions, parametric point estimation and tests of hypotheses. 

Course Code
MATH 450  Credits
Title Numerical Analysis I 
Prerequisite MATH 323 and CSIS 152 and MATH 311 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Numerical solutions to systems of equations and differential equations, finite differences, interpolation formulas, numerical calculus, and approximating functions. 

Course Code
MATH 466  Credits
Title Differential Equations II 
Prerequisite MATH 366 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A continuation of MATH 366. The students will learn more advanced techniques for solving differential equations and modeling using differential equations. Students will also learn about partial differential equations and some basic solutions to them.  

Course Code
MATH 469  Credits 1-12 
Title Internship 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A supervised practical experience in mathematics. A maximum of 12 internship credits may be applied to the degree. 

Course Code
MATH 476  Credits
Title Abstract Algebra I 
Prerequisite MATH 327 and MATH 311 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Groups, rings and integral domains studied as abstract mathematical systems. Lagrange's theorem, factor groups, homomorphisms, polynomial rings and quotient rings. 

Course Code
MATH 477  Credits
Title Abstract Algebra II 
Prerequisite MATH 476 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Fields, Field Extensions, Galois Theory, Sylow Theorems, Finite Simple Groups, Generators and Relations and Cayley Graphs of Groups. 

Course Code
MATH 486  Credits
Title History of Mathematics 
Prerequisite MATH 262 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Topical and chronological survey of the main branches of mathematics. Required for Math Education majors. May not be used as a restricted elective for any other emphasis nor for the B.A. degree in mathematics. 

Course Code
MATH 487  Credits
Title Foundations of Geometry 
Prerequisite MATH 323 and MATH 327 and MATH 311 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Systems of geometry such as Euclidean, non-Euclidean, coordinate, synthetic, transformational and projective. Models in geometric systems. 

Course Code
MATH 490  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Mathematics 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is an upper division topical course that may be repeated when topics changes.  

Course Code
MATH 491  Credits
Title Mathematical Writing 
Prerequisite MATH 291 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This is a writing intensive and capstone research course in Mathematics. It is intended to teach students how to research a mathematical topic and produce a written report on their research that is sufficiently deep, respects audience, and maintains clarity.  

Course Code
MATH 492  Credits
Title Senior Seminar 
Prerequisite MATH 392 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Students will attend lectures where they will be exposed to research level mathematics and general interest topics. The students will also attend lectures given by their classmates. 

Course Code
MATH 497  Credits 1-3 
Title Independent Study 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual study, project, or research of special interest agreed upon by student and instructor. Requires approval of department chair and dean.