
Course Code
MUS 357E  Credits 1-3 
Title Music Performance: Saxophone: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 358A  Credits 1-3 
Title Music Performance: Violin: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 358B  Credits 1-3 
Title Music Performance: Viola: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 358C  Credits 1-3 
Title Music Performance: Cello: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 358D  Credits 1-3 
Title Music Performance: Bass: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 358F  Credits
Title Music Performance: Guitar: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 359  Credits 1-3 
Title Music Performance: Percussion: Level 3 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual instruction and master classes. May be repeated for credit. 

Course Code
MUS 370  Credits
Title Composition 
Prerequisite MUS 208 or MUS 287 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Exploration of compositional techniques in all idioms and styles. Projects are individualized to meet the needs and desires of each participant. 

Course Code
MUS 372  Credits
Title Commercial/Jazz Arranging 
Prerequisite MUS 287 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Small group writing in four and five parts. Arranging for the large jazz ensemble (big band). Writing for strings and voices in a commercial/jazz context. Writing background arrangements for vocalists. 

Course Code
MUS 373  Credits
Title The Art and Craft of Popular Songwriting 
Prerequisite MUS 110 OR MUS 108 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Through listening, analysis, creative exercises, and peer critiques, this course will provide students immersion in both the theory and practice of writing popular songs. 

Course Code
MUS 374  Credits
Title Instrumental/Choral Arranging 
Prerequisite MUS 207A and MUS 108B 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Approaches to writing for instruments of the band and orchestra as well as writing for choral ensembles. Ranges, transpositions and scoring for ensembles of various sizes. Substituting instruments to fit individual needs. Writing for voices with a focus on ranges, sensible rhythmic handling of lyrics. 

Course Code
MUS 378  Credits
Title Advanced Conducting 
Prerequisite MUS 300 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Advanced band, orchestra and choral conducting techniques, rehearsal methods, and score reading. 

Course Code
MUS 387  Credits
Title Commercial/Jazz Improvisation 
Prerequisite MUS 287 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Development of approaches to melodic improvisation, guide tone exploration, and bebop “language. Continued stylistic investigation of different types of commercial and jazz music. Enhanced transcription techniques and aural skills. 

Course Code
MUS 390  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Music 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Special upper division studies in music. Different topics will be chosen for study. May be repeated if topic changes. 

Course Code
MUS 392  Credits
Title The Art of Performing 
Prerequisite MUS 108 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description An overview of the challenges of performing in public and an examination of procedures and processes that ameliorate the impact of performance anxiety. Students will develop and apply strategies for securing repertoire, coping with nervousness, and closing the gap between practice room sessions and auditions/performances. 

Course Code
MUS 397  Credits 1-3 
Title Independent Study 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Directed study of particular topics in music agreed upon by instructor and student. 

Course Code
MUS 432  Credits
Title Voice Pedagogy 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Will include physiology, anatomy, teaching techniques, demonstration models and a practicum.  

Course Code
MUS 433  Credits
Title Jazz Pedagogy 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will focus on techniques for directing instrumental and vocal jazz ensembles and techniques for teaching the various jazz disciplines. The course will review major jazz texts, periodicals, historical recordings, and resources. 

Course Code
MUS 450  Credits
Title Student Recital 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Special supplemental applied study in preparation for public recital appearance. May be repeated once for credit. Students must pass the piano proficiency examination prior to enrolling in this course. 

Course Code
MUS 451 - NOT APPROVED  Credits
Title Commercial Music Capstone Project 
Prerequisite MUS 208 MUS 374 MUS 372 MUS 387 MUS 304 EIT XXX EIT XXX EIT XXX 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A final undergraduate "thesis"-type project synthesizing skills developed as performers, composer/arrangers, and workers in the areas of live and recorded sound.