
Course Code
BIOL 310  Credits
Title Science of Brewing 
Lasc Area Goal 3 Lab  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will cover scientific and historical background into the scientific processes involved in brewing and fermentation science. Key scientific techniques and best practices will be covered in both lecture and lab. MnTC Goal 3.  

Course Code
BIOL 311  Credits
Title Neurobiology 
Prerequisite PSY 345 OR BIOL 111/BIOL 111L and CHEM 210/CHEM 210L 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is a survey of the biological principles that underlie the function of the nervous system. Lab is required. 

Course Code
BIOL 321  Credits
Title Invertebrate Zoology 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is a survey of major invertebrate taxa, with some emphasis on insects. Course content includes identification of major groups and their ecology. Some emphasis will be placed on important parasites and agricultural pests. Each student will be responsible for creating a labeled collection of invertebrates. 

Course Code
BIOL 321L  Credits
Title Invertebrate Zoology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 321 

Course Code
BIOL 322  Credits
Title Vertebrate Zoology 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is a survey of major vertebrate taxa, with emphasis on the evolutionary relationships among these groups and the interaction between anatomical structure and ecology. 

Course Code
BIOL 322L  Credits
Title Vertebrate Zoology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 322. 

Course Code
BIOL 323  Credits
Title Human Anatomy 
Prerequisite BIOL 111 OR BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Anatomical structure of the human body, from individual organ systems to the integrated whole. Includes cadaver dissection. 

Course Code
BIOL 323L  Credits
Title Human Anatomy Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 323 

Course Code
BIOL 326  Credits
Title Minnesota Plant Identification 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Identification of plants in Minnesota, including trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses, sedges, and ferns. Sight identification, keying skills, and proper nomenclature will be emphasized. Will include lecture and lab with much independent study in lab. 

Course Code
BIOL 326L  Credits
Title Minnesota Plant Identification Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 326 

Course Code
BIOL 328  Credits
Title Lake Superior Ecology 
Prerequisite one science class as an undergraduate 
Lasc Area Goal 10  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This 3 credit summer travel course along the north shore of Lake Superior allows students to relate events of the creation and succession of natural resources; human use and exploitation of these resources; and attempts to preserve them. Lectures includes the ecology of the boreal forest and the effects of logging; fish diversity and the rise and fall of the fisheries industry, including the calamity of sea lamprey invasion (and other exotic species); the rise and fall of the iron ore industry and its effect on the environment. Students will study the predator/prey interaction of the moose-wolf population of Isle Royale. The travel portion of the course includes tent camping in state parks to study the driving forces behind park development, including the history of people involved in conservation. As we travel north and across the US/Canadian border, we will visit industries including fisheries, forestry, iron ore mines, taconite mines, amethyst mines and tourism industry, observing their effects on both the environment and people. The concept of local and global sustainability will be a pervasive theme throughout the course.  

Course Code
BIOL 335  Credits
Title Tropical Conservation Biology 
Lasc Area Goal 10  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description There is one lecture per week during the spring semester to discuss definitions of biodiversity, and general principles of biological conservation. We discuss why diversity is so high in tropical regions, the value of biodiversity in terms of ecological services and economic potential. We then consider Costa Rica as a case study where these principles have been implemented so successfully. The "lab" component of this course is a mandatory, 12-day class trip to Costa Rica over spring break. In Costa Rica, students and faculty spend 2 days in a dry forest research station at Santa Rosa National Park to study the role of research in bioconservation, 4 days at an ecolodge in a humid forest in the "absolute" reserve at Cabo Blanco on the Pacific Ocean to study the impact of excluding people for more than 50 years, and another 4 days in cloud forest near Monteverde Reserve to study ecotourism as an effective but imperfect tool for conservation. A special fee is required to cover the costs of travel, food, and accommodations. MnTC Goal 10. 

Course Code
BIOL 341  Credits
Title Genetics 
Prerequisite BIOL 111 CHEM 150 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A survey of the modern molecular and classical Mendelian principles underlying biological inheritance. With lab. 

Course Code
BIOL 341L  Credits
Title Genetics Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 341 

Course Code
BIOL 345  Credits
Title Principles of Ecology 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The structure and function of ecological systems. With lab and field work that will emphasize local species and ecosystems. 

Course Code
BIOL 345L  Credits
Title Ecology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 345 

Course Code
BIOL 346  Credits
Title An Ecological Perspective 
Lasc Area Goal 10  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course seeks to help students understand basic ecological principles, and to use these principles to understand our current environmental problems. An integration of scientific, economic, political and ethical considerations will help students to appreciate the policies and practices necessary to achieving a sustainable future. MnTC Goal 10. 

Course Code
BIOL 347  Credits
Title Plant Physiology 
Prerequisite CHEM 210 CHEM 210L 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Structure and function of higher plants with emphasis on molecular and cellular physiology as related to whole plant functions. Topics include growth and development, photosynthesis, and environmental aspects of plant physiology.  

Course Code
BIOL 347L  Credits
Title Plant Physiology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 347 

Course Code
BIOL 348  Credits
Title Evolutionary Biology 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 BIOL 341 BIOL 345 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Concepts, principles and evidence of evolutionary processes in biological systems.