
Course Code
ENGL 457  Credits
Title Literary Editing: Red Weather 
Prerequisite ENGL 288 OR ENGL 388 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a production-centered, hands-on class. Students will be responsible for producing a complete issue of Red Weather, MSUM's literary magazine, from screening and selecting manuscripts, interacting with the authors whose work is chosen, to designing and promoting the finished magazine. 

Course Code
ENGL 462  Credits
Title Practicum in Publishing 
Prerequisite ENGL 402 OR COMM 402 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to familiarize students to the working functions of a small press literary publishing house through lectures, demonstrations, and supervised group activities such as participating on editorial book teams, writing teacher guides for the website for New Rivers Press books, developing marketing plans, reading tours, distributor marketing packets etc. All projects are presented in class to foster a broader class understanding of the overall activities of a small press. 

Course Code
ENGL 463  Credits
Title History of the English Language 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A survey of the early history of the English language, its sounds and its grammar, emphasizing Old English and its literature or Middle English and its literature. 

Course Code
ENGL 469  Credits 1-12 
Title Internship 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised employment requiring substantial writing practice in government or private agency. Repeatable up to a total of 12 credits. All credits apply toward graduation, but only three may count toward a major or writing minor in English. Six credits accepted toward the B.A., Writing Emphasis. 

Course Code
ENGL 484  Credits
Title Theory & Methods: CA/L Grades 5-8 
Prerequisite Admitted to teacher ed (SARTE) or instructor permission 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Review of current trends in communication arts/literature education in middle school and junior high (grades 5-8). The course teaches approaches and techniques for teaching and assessing literacy and examining adolescent/young adult literature and media. 

Course Code
ENGL 486  Credits 1-3 
Title Tutorial 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The consideration of various problems in literature or language agreed upon by the instructor and the student. 

Course Code
ENGL 487  Credits
Title Advanced Technical Report Writing 
Prerequisite ENGL 387 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Process-oriented writing class that emphasizes theoretical aspects of audience analysis, principles of document organization and design, and technical editing. Students will also learn how to design effective document supplements and visuals. Students will also learn about and use various research techniques. Course is conducted through lectures, group and individual discussions, collaborative writing, and hands-on work in the library and computer labs. ENGL 487 culminates in a professional website and an online portfolio. 

Course Code
ENGL 488  Credits
Title Advanced Creative Writing 
Prerequisite ENGL 388 Limited to English majors Students must be seniors 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Advanced work in writing of poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, plays or film offered once a year in Spring as a Capstone course choice for Writing Majors. Students may repeat course once when genre changes. 

Course Code
ENGL 490  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in English 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is an upper division topical course and may be repeated when the topic changes. 

Course Code
ENGL 491  Credits
Title Theory & Methods: CA/L Grades 9-12 
Prerequisite SARTE or by permission 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Current practices and trends in teaching and assessing communication arts/literature in grades 9-12. 

Course Code
ENGL 492  Credits
Title Literature Capstone Seminar 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Study of selected topics, individual authors, genres or movements in American, British or World literature. Required for BA literature majors and open to BA Writing majors and BS English majors. The course is offered once per semester. It includes multiple approaches to analyzing literature and a documented research paper of substantial length with an extensive annotated bibliography. The capstone serves as a culminating course for academic study in English. Students are encouraged to take the capstone in their senior year. 

Course Code
ENGL 493  Credits
Title Grammars of English 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A survey of the history of language study, of the history of the English language, and of the various kinds of grammars: traditional, structural, and transformational. 

Course Code
ENGL 495  Credits
Title Advanced Study in Language or Literature 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Study of selected topics, individual authors, genres or movements in linguistics or in American, British or world literature. The course may be offered as a seminar, as an independent study, or as an adjunct to another class taught by the same instructor. Repeatable when subject matter varies. 

Course Code
ENGL 497  Credits 1-3 
Title Independent Study in English 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The consideration of various problems in literature or language agreed upon by the instructor and the student.