
Course Code
MGMT 260  Credits
Title Principles of Management 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Analyzes functions of management and the forces that shape and define the manager's role. Students must have junior standing. 

Course Code
MGMT 315  Credits
Title Government and Business 
Prerequisite ECON 204 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description A survey course which includes governmental enforcement of competition, regulation of public utilities, and public enterprise. Same as ECON 315

Course Code
MGMT 370  Credits
Title Management Information Systems 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Study of design and use of information systems and communication processes, including recording, transmitting, and revising information as an aid in managerial decision making. 

Course Code
MGMT 371  Credits
Title Introduction to Business Analytics  
Prerequisite MATH 234, MGMT 260  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Business analytics refers to techniques used by enterprises to gain insights and make better decisions using data. It has applications in all the functional areas of an enterprise including accounting, finance, marketing, operations and strategic planning. This class is made up of three parts: i) descriptive analytics to focus on analysis of historical data; ii) predictive analytics to focus on data mining and forecasting to develop insights; and iii) prescriptive analytics to focus on optimization and simulation to select from business alternatives under constraints. 

Course Code
MGMT 380  Credits
Title Operations Management 
Prerequisite MATH 234 and MGMT 260 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Description and analysis of the operations function in an organization. 

Course Code
MGMT 390  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Management 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Topics in management. May be repeated as topic varies. 

Course Code
MGMT 405  Credits
Title Small Business Management 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Analysis of problems confronting the manager of small retail, wholesale, and manufacturing enterprises. Students must have junior standing. 

Course Code
MGMT 415  Credits
Title Industrial Organization and Public Policy 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Analysis of market structure, market conduct, and economic performance. It combines the latest theories with empirical evidence about the organization of firms and industries. Same as ECON 415

Course Code
MGMT 416  Credits
Title Labor Economics 
Prerequisite ECON 204 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Wage and employment theory, labor unions and other institutions associated with collective bargaining, and social legislation. Same as ECON 416

Course Code
MGMT 419  Credits
Title Supply Chain Management 
Prerequisite MGMT 380 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will analyze the supply chain from the point of view of a manager. The goal is to understand how logistical decisions impact the performance of the firm as well as the entire supply chain. The key will be to understand the link between supply chain structures and logistical capabilities in a firm or supply chain. Topics will be covered at the strategic level, planning level as well as the operational level. There will be a mix of qualities and quantitative analysis. Same as MKTG 419

Course Code
MGMT 433  Credits
Title Predictive Analytics  
Prerequisite MATH 234 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Businesses are collecting and storing vast amount of data. Business intelligence (data mining) techniques are used to turn business data into valuable information and generate business intelligence, helping organizations to make effective decisions. This course will provide an understanding of various data mining techniques such as association rules, clustering, classification techniques, etc. and how to use data mining techniques to transform large and complex data into actionable information. The data mining techniques will be examined in the context of business applications such as marketing, e-commerce, finance, and retailing. (Same as MKTG 433

Course Code
MGMT 440  Credits
Title Human Resource Management 
Prerequisite MGMT 260 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course covers the process of managing the human resource to achieve organizational goals. Topics include legal recruitment and selection, training and evaluation, compensation, and separation from the organization. 

Course Code
MGMT 442  Credits
Title Compensation & Benefits 
Prerequisite MGMT 440 
Description This course will build a strong foundation for students in making strategic choices for organizations in the areas of compensation and benefits. It will explore current legislation, compensation systems, mandatory & voluntary benefits, and administrative issues and challenges. 

Course Code
MGMT 451  Credits
Title Organizational Behavior 
Prerequisite MGMT 260 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Studies the interaction of individuals and groups in business organizations. The course focuses on providing insights into individual, group, and organizational processes. 

Course Code
MGMT 456  Credits
Title Project Management in Business 
Prerequisite MGMT 260 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course focuses on identifying and resolving the dilemmas that cause the overwhelming majority of projects to take too long, cost too much, and fall short of expectations. Same as PMGT 456. 

Course Code
MGMT 458  Credits
Title International Management 
Prerequisite MGMT 260 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description An examination of organizational management in the international environment which will focus on private and public management in the exchange of goods and services in cross cultural contexts. 

Course Code
MGMT 465  Credits
Title Entrepreneurship 
Prerequisite MGMT 260 and MKTG 270 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a survey course examining key elements of entrepreneurial venture. Basics of entrepreneurship will be covered. We will adopt the perspective of a global entrepreneur, who may capitalize upon resources from anywhere in the world, while facing global competition and uncertainties at any time. Specific topics this course will cover include: entrepreneurial opportunity, feasibility analysis, business plan, planning for growth and change. 

Course Code
MGMT 469  Credits 1-12 
Title Internship 
Prerequisite MGMT 260 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A supervised practical experience in management. A maximum of 12 internship credits may be applied to the degree. Prerequisite: Students must have completed 6 credits in Management beyond the Business Core courses prior to the internship. 

Course Code
MGMT 480  Credits
Title Prescriptive Analytics  
Prerequisite MGMT 260 OR MATH 234 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A study of deterministic techniques of management science such as linear programming, transportation models, assignment models. Other models may be covered as time permits. 

Course Code
MGMT 490  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Management 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a senior level topics course and may be repeated as topic varies.