Course Code |
Title |
Methods and Statistics for Social Research |
Prerequisite |
Any one of these 14
MATH 105 - Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 110 - Introduction to Mathematics
MATH 127 - College Algebra
MATH 127L - College Algebra
MATH 134 - Applied Statistics
MATH 142 - Pre-Calculus
MATH 143 - Trigonometry
MATH 210 - Concepts from Discrete Mathematics
MATH 234 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MATH 227 - Survey of Differential Calculus with Algebra
MATH 229 - Topics in Calculus
MATH 261 - Calculus I
MATH 262 - Calculus II
PHIL 340 - Symbolic Logic |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Focus on the logic of science, a survey of basic methodologies, and introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. |
Course Code |
Title |
Quantitative Methods |
Prerequisite |
SOC 350 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
This course is a continuation of Sociology 350. The objective of the course is to offer hands-on experience in quantitative research methods and data analysis. Students will design and carry out a research project utilizing quantitative research methods, analyze data using descriptive and inferential statistics, conduct elementary hypothesis testing, and write reports of their findings. Students will gain experience using statistical packages for data analyses on computers. |
Course Code |
Title |
Qualitative Methods |
Prerequisite |
SOC 350 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
This course provides advanced training in qualitative research though an applied approach whereby students carry out an original research project, from the initial conceptualization stage, through data collection and analysis, and writing the report, and presenting the findings. This advanced data analysis course provides training in several qualitative approaches in sociological research, with the central foci on ethnographic observations and depth interviewing. |
Course Code |
Title |
Sociology of Health and Medicine |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Social factors in health, illness, and medical care. Topics include the social construction of health/illness, the experience of illness, health professions and organizations, and the health care system. |
Course Code |
Title |
Topics in Sociology |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Varying topics from the discipline of sociology. |
Course Code |
Title |
Contemporary Sociological Theory |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
This advanced undergraduate seminar introduces students to contemporary sociological theory. It centers on the development of the major theoretical frameworks used by contemporary sociologists to understand the late-modern world. The starting point is the 1920s, and continues to the last fin-de-siecle and beyond. Theoretical frameworks considered includes the following: structural functionalism, systems and network theories, critical theory, rational choice and exchange theories, structuralism, structuration theory, critical race theory, feminist epistemologies, theories on power and the body, and the influence of post-modern theory. |
Course Code |
Title |
Gerontology: Policy and Practice |
Prerequisite |
SOC 308 or SW 308 or WS 308 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This course is a senior seminar for gerontology majors. Four to six hours a week will involve field experience working in a facility involving elderly care. Two hours a week will involve in-class discussions of the field experience as well as an examination of social policies relating to the elderly, including Social Security, Medicare, the Older Americans Act and Medicaid. Same as SW 410. |
Course Code |
Title |
Sociology of Complex Organizations |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Analyzes large-scale bureaucratic organizations. Topics include: the characteristics of bureaucracy; the uses of power by organizations; the effectiveness of organizations; and the impact of organizations on societal change. |
Course Code |
Title |
Senior Seminar in Sociology |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This is the capstone seminar for sociology majors. Examines some of the most prominent theoretical and substantive issues identified by sociologists. The course will include a major paper and a seminar presentation. |
Course Code |
Title |
Internship |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A supervised practical experience in sociology. A maximum of 12 internship credits may be applied to the degree. Internship credits may not apply to the minimum required for the sociology major. |
Course Code |
Title |
Topics in Sociology |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Varying topics from the discipline of sociology. |
Course Code |
Title |
Readings in Sociology |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A program of advanced readings in some topic under the supervision of an instructor. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 credits. |
Course Code |
Title |
Topical Workshop |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This is a topical workshop course and may be repeated when the topic varies. |