
Course Code
ED 640  Credits
Title PreK -12 School Administration  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The common elements of leadership and management as they apply to the school principalship. Practical applications in school settings will be addressed. 

Course Code
ED 643  Credits
Title Secondary School Curriculum 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description History, development, and evaluation of curricular patterns in the secondary schools. Analysis of current curricular practice and trends. 

Course Code
ED 644  Credits
Title PreK-12 School Curriculum 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description History, development, and evaluation of curricular patterns in the PreK-12 schools. Analysis of current curricular practice and trends. 

Course Code
ED 660  Credits
Title Introduction to Student Affairs and Higher Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Introduction to Student Affairs and Higher Education professional services, developmental theories and professional issues in postsecondary settings. 

Course Code
ED 662  Credits
Title Administration of Student Affairs and Higher Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is an advanced and in-depth study of Student Affairs and Higher Education professional services offered in contemporary Higher Education settings. The course includes examination of the characteristics of American college students and their post-secondary development. This course includes an analysis of the different student populations and the specific needs and services required for their success. Professional Knowledge, skills and best practices necessary to promote the development of college students is examined and considered. 

Course Code
ED 669  Credits 1-10 
Title Internship 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A supervised field experience or internship in education related to the graduate major subject. Variable credit from 1-10. May be repeated if setting varies. Possible settings include elementary, secondary, post-secondary, adult. 

Course Code
ED 670  Credits
Title Teacher Leadership: Educational Alternatives for Learning 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description In-depth examination of established and innovative approaches to instruction across the Pre-K-12 curriculum. 

Course Code
ED 671  Credits
Title Teacher Leadership: Issues in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Leadership course that examines current issues and trends in education with an emphasis on Teacher Leadership. 

Course Code
ED 690  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Topical course in Education; primary focus is on teacher leadership and instructional coaching. 

Course Code
ED 695A  Credits
Title Introduction to Educational Leadership/Portfolio 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course fulfills the pre-assessment portion of portfolio development for advanced graduate students completing a portfolio for a Master's degree or licensure in Minnesota. The course provides school leaders with preparation in knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to identify professional needs and developmental plans for a professional portfolio. 

Course Code
ED 695B  Credits
Title Portfolio Completion/Presentation 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course fulfills the final phase of portfolio development for advanced graduate students completing the portfolio component of a Master's degree or licensure in Minnesota. The course provides school leaders with preparation in skills to complete a professional portfolio and self-study autobiographical paper that demonstrates knowledge, skill and dispositions in all program guidelines and indicators. 

Course Code
ED 696  Credits
Title Action Research 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Action research is the second and final research course in the C & I program. The primary focus of the course is to provide students the skills to use action research methods to improve education through data driven decision making. In this course, students carry out action research (which has been designed in ED 603) by collecting and analyzing data, and developing a plan of action and a plan for sharing results. The major requirement for this course is the submission of a paper in a manuscript format that integrates the research questions, methodologies and literature review developed in ED 603 with the findings and action plan developed in ED 696

Course Code
ED 697  Credits 1-4 
Title Independent Study 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Selected readings and/or research for individual students under faculty supervision. 

Course Code
ED 698  Credits
Title Continuing Registration 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Continuing enrollment in graduate studies. This option is to be used for registration after completion of all course requirements, including thesis or capstone project; required during the semester of the oral defense examination. May not be used to fulfill degree credit requirements or financial aid minimum requirements. 

Course Code
ED 699  Credits 1-4 
Title Thesis (Plan A) 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Research and writing of the master's thesis under the supervision of the faculty chair and the thesis committee. Maximum 4 credits allowed. 

Course Code
ED 701  Credits
Title Introduction to Advanced Graduate Scholarship and Leadership 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course introduces students to the theories and principal elements of research and scholarly writing. Students will consider a critical analysis of philosophy of research and epistemology as applicable to theory development. Students will learn how to discern principal arguments, analyze research questions, and identify the key scholarly attributes to journal articles and other sources of scholarly data. This course also introduces learners to the University’s overarching values and beliefs regarding education, research and the responsibilities scholars have in continuing a tradition of contributing to an ever-growing body of knowledge. This course will assist students in developing a framework for acceptable academic writing. As such, students will be engaged in evaluating journal articles; developing a topical outline in relation to their topic of interest and/or research question; and writing a literature review in preparation for dissertation work and/or specific publications. Learners will explore approaches to synthesizing literature and the application of the major components of APA form and style, and learn to coordinate literature searches. 

Course Code
ED 704  Credits
Title Quantitative Methods in Educational Research 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to provide doctoral level students with theoretical and practical preparation in quantitative research design including: instrumentation; data collection; statistical analysis; ethics and politics of the conduct of research; and development of analytical skills for critiquing quantitative research.  

Course Code
ED 705  Credits
Title Qualitative Methods in Educational Research 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to provide doctoral level students with theoretical and practical preparation in qualitative methods including: data collection and analysis; ethics and the politics of the conduct of research; and critical analytical skills for review and critique of qualitative research.  

Course Code
ED 717  Credits
Title Adult Learning 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course deals with recent research concerning adult learning within the context of planning and operating effective adult education programs. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of concepts, practices, and opportunities related to adult learning. 

Course Code
ED 727  Credits
Title Educational Law and Policy: Historical, Political and Global Perspective 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A review of public policy processes and legislation related to educational systems. School case law is reviewed from multiple perspectives with an emphasis on fairness, justice and equity. Analyzes the legal structure of higher education including, academic freedom, employment, due process, student rights, accreditation issues, desegregation, tort liability, and other issues.