
Course Code
ED 734  Credits
Title Ethics, Communication and Leadership 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course emphasizes a review of current research and reflective practice in ethical communication and leadership. An emphasis on relational, distributed, transformational and compassionate leadership is studied. Cross cultural communication, public communication techniques and analysis of technology, communication with public media and data presentations are also studied. This course provides ethical frameworks and components in leadership experiences in both education systems and public service organizations. It provides opportunities to interpret, apply, and evaluate theoretical frameworks, resources for choices, and impacts of decisions. 

Course Code
ED 735  Credits
Title Social Justice, Culture, Diversity & Ethical Practice for Ed. Leaders 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will facilitate the development of a student’s critical understanding of the larger concept of culture within the notion of multiculturalism. Students will examine how cultural processes are intimately connected with social justice and ethical leadership practice. They will also explore how culture involves power, which serves to produce inequalities in the abilities of individuals and social groups to define and realize their needs. In addition, culture will be analyzed as a site of social difference and struggle.  

Course Code
ED 740  Credits
Title Fiscal Management for Educational Growth and Change 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Focuses on the skills needed to integrate the processes of planning, budgeting and financial management, utilizing data from performance accounting, measurement and evaluation systems. Compares and contrasts for-profit, not-for-profit, and public organizations; examines the conventions of revenue and expenditure budgeting; presents the basic principles of fiscal proposal writing and grants writing. 

Course Code
ED 753  Credits
Title College Student Development 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will review many of the current theories of development that inform student affairs practice. Students will consider the four major categories of college student development theory which include: 1) cognitive-structural, 2) psychosocial, 3) typological, and 4) person-centered environments. Given that these four categories represent a high degree of breadth, students will review each of these areas in detail. Individual theories and their application to higher education will be broadly explored. 

Course Code
ED 767  Credits
Title Organization and Administration of Educational Leadership 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Throughout this course, theory and practice of leadership is applied to educational settings. Students are exposed to leading educational and managerial organizational leadership theories and change theory with emphasis on their implementation in practical educational settings. Students will analyze philosophical and values anchors, vision casting, shared priorities and commitments, and vision through policy and program development. This course engages students in the study of major organization theories that inform educational leadership research. Students will use theory to help inform their own research interests. 

Course Code
ED 772  Credits
Title Instructional Models for Learners and Leaders 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to expand the participants’ repertoire of teaching models within a student-centered learning environment, to foster deeper understanding of key concepts. This course focuses on specific contemporary thinking skills and model programs. Emphasis is placed on helping teachers adapt strategies, choose materials, and design a lesson that integrates subject areas across a non-textbook, student-centered curriculum. The course is designed to help develop teaching/learning strategies and to integrate curriculum in the classroom. 

Course Code
ED 780  Credits
Title Instructional Models 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course deals with the investigation of current practices and trends in instructional models. Emphasis is on the relationship of current research to contemporary practice. 

Course Code
ED 782  Credits
Title Emerging Issues in Supervision and Administration 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course examines issues for educational leaders. Students will engage in research, discussion, and writing about topics that are selected for review. 

Course Code
ED 783  Credits
Title Strategic Assessment and Accountability in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course addresses the key role of leaders in educational systems for the development, articulation, implementation, and supervision of an assessment process that provides accountability for all stakeholders. This course examines the establishment of a shared mission, vision, and goals among both internal and external stakeholders as the foundation for both short-term and long-range strategic planning in education. Professional and facilities development is addressed in the context of education master planning.  

Course Code
ED 785  Credits
Title Building a Compassionate Community of Scholars 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course describes theories of compassionate leadership, studies the relationship between leadership style and organizational change, and examines the implementation process of a leader's vision. Leaders in Education are often taught to lead with their heads and not with their hearts. Good leadership is often defined as strategic, rational, and bottom-line business people who focus on results. Yet, recent research on successful leaders suggests a different style of leader—one that exhibits kindness, compassion and empathy. This course examines relations with stakeholders, including boards, learners, parents, faculty, staff, and the community at large. Attention is given to creating and sustaining a diverse learning infrastructure through faculty and staff professional development, alumni relations, and the building of scholarly communities. This course uses team building, group dynamics, and interpersonal sensitivity to motivate and inspire students to work together toward common goals. 

Course Code
ED 787  Credits
Title Teaching and Learning at the University Level 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course analyzes current teaching methods and strategies at the community college and University level. This course will explore topics such as adult learning, societal issues dealing with gender, race, racism, ethnic, and cultural factors and their impact on teaching at the collegiate level. The course covers a variety of teaching and learning styles and gives the students an opportunity to participate in undergraduate classroom teaching. 

Course Code
ED 788  Credits
Title School Finance and Business Management 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description School business administration of insurance, transportation, food services, purchasing, inventory control, budgeting procedures, state and federal accounting, and personnel. 

Course Code
ED 789  Credits
Title School Community Relations 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Purposes, organization, agencies and criteria of good school-community relationships; knowledge and techniques of public relations. 

Course Code
ED 790  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Special topics in graduate education. 

Course Code
ED 793  Credits 1-4 
Title Seminar in School Administration and Supervision 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Special topics seminars for practicing or potential administrators and supervisors. May be repeated. 

Course Code
ED 794  Credits 1-6 
Title Practicum in Administration 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised field experiences in various areas of education administration. Seminar and projects required; Master's degree and courses in related areas required. 

Course Code
ED 795  Credits
Title Research Seminar 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The seminar offers students the opportunity to pursue an approved research project with the guidance of an advisor in areas of special interest to the student. Students will learn from ideas generated by peers and in consultation with their instructors. In this course, learners formalize their research proposal specific to their topic. Emphasis is placed on fully developing Chapter 1 and incorporating Chapters 2 and 3 (drafts) from previous research courses. This proposal becomes the first three chapters of the dissertation upon approval of the final draft. A complete written research proposal will be developed and presented at a Proposal Defense with approval of a program advisor required. 

Course Code
ED 797  Credits
Title Individual Study in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Independent research for advanced graduate students. Repeated to a maximum of 6 credits. 

Course Code
ED 799  Credits 1-9 
Title Dissertation 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Dissertation for EDD program