Course Code |
Title |
History of Britain I |
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Course Outline |
Description |
Survey from Neolithic settlement to 1714, with emphasis on the legacies of Britain's various settlers, the development of parliament as an institution, the relationship between England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, the Reformation and early colonization. (Same as LGST 321) |
Course Code |
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History of Britain II |
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Course Outline |
Description |
Survey from 1714 to the present, with emphasis on the formation of the British Empire, industrialization, social and political reform movements and decolonization and political devolutions of the late 20th century. |
Course Code |
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Twentieth Century Europe |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Europe's transition from imperial powers to the formation of the European Union, including both World Wars, the development, rise and decline of fascism and communism as state ideologies, the modern European welfare state, economic reorganization and ethnic conflict in contemporary Europe. Same as INTL 324. |
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Latin America |
Lasc Area |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
Major trends in Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries. MnTC Goals 5 and 8. |
Course Code |
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History of Mexico |
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Course Outline |
Description |
An examination of the major themes in the development of the Mexican nation with the emphasis on the period since independence. |
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Modern China |
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Course Outline |
Description |
China from the late Qing period to the present with emphasis on the revolutionary movement and attempts at modernization. |
Course Code |
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Modern Japan |
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Course Outline |
Description |
Japan from the Tokugawa period to the present. Focuses on the course of modern transformation: seclusion, industrialization, militarism, reform and reemergence as an economic superpower. |
Course Code |
Title |
Women in European History |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
The historical experience of European women as a force in politics, in economic and familial roles, in organized religion and in cultural life, and with special emphasis on the "woman question". Same as WS 350. |
Course Code |
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Colonial America |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This course is a study of the age of exploration and the establishment of the North American colonies. Emphasis will be given to the British colonies of the western hemisphere, but the course will also include those colonies of other nations as they affect American growth and development. It will include a broad treatment of social, political, economic, and intellectual forces to 1763. |
Course Code |
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Revolutionary America |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A survey of rising British colonial protest after 1763, the subsequent war for American independence, and the ultimate establishment of the U.S. constitutional system by 1789. |
Course Code |
Title |
Antebellum America |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This course will focus on the competing economic systems of developing northern merchant capitalism and southern slavery and examine the impact of these two systems on the politics, social relations, and culture of every day Americans in the antebellum (1790-1848) period. |
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Civil War and Reconstruction |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A survey of Civil War and Reconstruction periods in American history examining the causes and consequences in social, political, military and constitutional areas. |
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Gilded Age and Progressive Era |
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Course Outline |
Description |
Designed to fulfill an upper-level U.S. history requirement for History and Social Studies majors, this course surveys the history of the United States from roughly 1877 to 1920, a period of western settlement, industrialization, massive immigration, and the rise of cities. These developments involved wrenching changes, and the course will examine the problems that were created and the efforts of reformers to address those problems. |
Course Code |
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The United States in Vietnam, 1945-1975 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A survey of the causes, conduct, and consequences of America's longest war. The political, military, and social aspects of United States involvement with Vietnam will be studied. Satisfies the North American area in the History and Social Studies majors. |
Course Code |
Title |
Natural Disasters |
Lasc Area |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
This class is a research-seminar style course that surveys the history of natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, etc.), throughout history, focusing on the political, economic, and social causes and effects of disasters. The class will engage in an in-depth case study of one disaster, requiring students to do extensive primary and secondary source research, present their findings at the Student Academic Conference, and in class to their peers. MnTC Goal 5 and 10. |
Course Code |
Title |
Monsoon Asia: People and the Environment |
Lasc Area |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
An introduction to the environmental history of South, East and Southeast Asia with emphasis on the modern period. Topics include the environmental factor in the fall of the Indus and Huanghe Civilizations, unsustainable development in traditional Asian societies, impacts of imperialism on the Asian environment, consequences of industrialization, and contemporary environmental issues. MnTC Goal 5 and 10. |
Course Code |
Title |
Plagues & Peoples: Disease and the Environment |
Lasc Area |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
This course introduces the student to the complex and interdependent relationship humans have with disease and the environment. We have long recognized the environment in which we live and work plays a key role in our physical health. To help us understand our modern social, medical, and political response to epidemic disease, we will examine the ways epidemics have taxed economic, religious, and political resources through time. Additionally, we will look at ways society reacted to epidemic disease, and how the medical community evolved to meet this threat. MnTC Goal 5 and 10. |
Course Code |
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Women in United States History |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Women's experiences in the family, work, religion, reform, and the women's rights and feminist movements; seeks to understand women's issues in historical perspective. |
Course Code |
Title |
African-Americans in U.S. History |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
The historical experience of African Americans from slavery to the present; how American society has oppressed African Americans and how they have struggled against that oppression, with particular emphasis on organized resistance in the era of the Civil Rights movement. |
Course Code |
Title |
Environmental History |
Lasc Area |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Writing Intensive |
Yes |
Description |
This course is a study of the history of humankind's interactions with the environments focusing on the past 500 years. Special attention will be paid to the non-Western world. Topics include global interconnectedness and the spread of disease, the relationship between trade, modern economics, and sustainable development, natural disasters, and the rise of the ecological movement. MnTC Goal 5 and 10. |