
Course Code
NURS 444  Credits
Title Evidence-Based Nursing Practice 
Prerequisite NURS 361, NURS 362, NURS 364 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course focuses on evidence-based practice and the research process in the development of nursing knowledge and in nursing practice. Ethical considerations and the protection of human subjects in research are explored. Emphasis is placed on the critical appraisal of research and application of findings to holistic nursing practice.  

Course Code
NURS 446  Credits
Title Nursing Informatics 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course expands on foundational knowledge of nursing informatics with emphasis on how technology can be used as a tool to improve client care in a variety of settings. The role of the baccalaureate prepared nurse in evaluating information systems in a variety of practice settings is examined. The issues of ethics, ergonomics, and nursing workflow as they relate to nursing informatics are explored. 

Course Code
NURS 459  Credits
Title Population Based Care 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course prepares students in the practice of community and public health nursing. Students synthesize knowledge from nursing, public health and the social sciences to provide holistic care with community as client. Emphasis is on prevalent population-based health issues. 

Course Code
NURS 462  Credits
Title 3 Ps for the BSN: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology & Physical Assessment  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course integrates pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment using a concept-based framework. Select disease processes will be considered focusing on a basic understanding of cellular function, pathophysiology, pharmacologic mechanism of action, and corresponding physical assessment findings. Concepts addressed in this course include: health assessment, pharmacology principles; pharmacogenomics; altered cellular response & cellular proliferation; altered ventilation & perfusion; altered nutrition, fluids & elimination; altered metabolic & hormonal regulation; and altered neuro-sensory regulation. A lifespan approach will strengthen the nurses understanding of health-related information, focus on evidence-based practice guidelines, facilitate inter-professional collaboration, and improve nursing care across a wide variety of settings 

Course Code
NURS 464  Credits
Title Nursing Leadership II 
Prerequisite NURS 364 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course reinforces and expands leadership concepts introduced in previous courses and focuses on how nursing leadership influences client care and practice in the larger health care delivery system. Emphasis is on use of outcome data to evaluate care delivery systems and to propose performance improvement initiatives, considering enduring practice issues, policy debates and historical solutions. 

Course Code
NURS 464  Credits
Title Nursing Leadership II 
Prerequisite NURS 364 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course reinforces and expands leadership concepts introduced in previous courses and focuses on how nursing leadership influences client care and practice in the larger health care delivery system. Emphasis is on use of outcome data to evaluate care delivery systems and to propose performance improvement initiatives, considering enduring practice issues, policy debates and historical solutions. 

Course Code
NURS 469  Credits 1-6 
Title Nursing Internship & Practical Training 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description In this nursing practical training course, the student will partake in clinical based training opportunities in an approved healthcare setting. The outcome of this course is to provide opportunities for supplemental clinical based training to enhance the integration of theory and research-based knowledge in professional nursing practice. There are two tracks for this course 1) Nursing Internship (must have successfully completed MANE semester 5 prior to start of internship experience) and 2) *Curriculum Practical Training (CPT). Each track has its own set of outcomes. Students arrange their own related employment and must be admitted and actively enrolled in the MANE BSN program at MSUM. The CPT Co-Operative (Co-op) Employment Experience for undergraduate F-1 international MANE BSN students provides practical work experience related to the field of nursing per CPT guidelines. Special rules and eligibility criteria established by the MANE BSN Program must be met. Students will work with the Center for Global Engagement. 

Course Code
NURS 472  Credits
Title Leadership and Professional Development 
Prerequisite NURS 301 if not co-enrolled  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course provides students with the opportunity to explore leadership theories and behaviors that will serve as a foundation for career-long professional development. The course focuses on: (a) leadership, (b) professionalism, (c) communication and relationship building, (d) knowledge of the healthcare environment and (e) developing business skills. It integrates concepts of management, decision making, and more to prepare students for current professional nursing practice as leaders and change agents. Emphasis is placed on the critical role of the nurse leader in promoting a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to the delivery of high quality, safe and accessible healthcare to diverse populations across healthcare settings. 

Course Code
NURS 473  Credits
Title Professional Pathways 
Prerequisite NURS 301 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description In this senior capstone, writing intensive course, the student addresses a quality improvement issue using evidence based practice recommendations in a student led project. The student investigates a problem or issue in practice, reviews best evidence and translates that best evidence into a sustained change to enhance quality and safety in care. Emphasis is placed on the nurse as a healthcare leader and the development of leadership skills including project management, decision-making, problem solving, critical thinking, and evaluation. Baccalaureate nursing graduate outcomes are synthesized as students complete their undergraduate nursing coursework. Must be taken in the final semester of the RN-BSN program. 

Course Code
NURS 485  Credits
Title Global Health Perspectives for Nursing 
Prerequisite NURS 459 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course examines global health issues that influence the delivery of holistic care at the local, national, and global level. Emphasis is on recognition of the global, cultural, and societal factors that influence care at the local level. Theoretical frameworks are presented to guide planning of global health care delivery. The role of nursing in advocating for culturally responsive care of diverse and vulnerable populations is examined. Students are challenged to define themselves as global citizens. 

Course Code
NURS 490  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in Nursing 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Study of selected practices, issues and/or problems in health care delivery as they impact the consumer and the nursing profession. Topics change each semester. This course may be repeated when the topic changes. 

Course Code
NURS 492  Credits
Title Integrative Seminar & Practicum 
Prerequisite NURS 459  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This clinical practicum course provides a bridge for the role transition from student to baccalaureate nurse generalist. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing theories, principles, concepts, and skills from nursing and other disciplines as a basis for implementing and evaluating holistic nursing care within systems and to diverse populations across the lifespan. This course may include seminar, self-directed study, service learning, simulation and clinical learning experiences. 

Course Code
NURS 497  Credits 1-6 
Title Independent Study 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description In this Independent Study course, the student will undertake studies in a self-directed mode related to professional nursing practice.