B.S. Degree in Exercise Science
The Exercise Science major prepares students for careers in fitness, exercise science, sport performance, wellness and allied health. Students can continue their education by pursuing graduate studies in exercise physiology, cardiac rehabilitation and rehabilitative science. Students learn to administer health appraisals and fitness assessments; understand exercise techniques; and design exercise programs for healthy adults, athletes and special populations. The exercise science program provides students with the educational experience to develop aerobic, anaerobic and resistance training programs to enhance cardio respiratory endurance, body composition, strength, power, balance, speed, agility and flexibility. One of the goals of the Exercise Science program is to prepare students for certification exams by nationally recognized health, fitness, sports performance and sports medicine organizations such as the National Academy of Sports Medicine, National Strength and Conditioning Association, American College of Sports Medicine and American Council on Exercise. To receive the B.S. Degree in Exercise Science, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Core (42 credits).
Student Learning Outcomes
- Student will apply knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, risk factors, health appraisal, nutrition, weight management, exercise programming, and metabolic calculations.
- Students will learn to implement the optimum performance training model to design exercise programs that are safe, effective, maximize performance and optimize health.
- Students will apply basic competencies required of a fitness professional in a sports medicine, cardiac rehabilitation, fitness center or sports training facility.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 38 credits )
Students must earn at least two credits in PE 469 Internship.
AT 220 Care and Prevention of Injuries & Illnesses (3)
HLTH 110 Personal Health and Wellness (3)
HLTH 125 First Aid and CPR (2)
HLTH 305 Introduction to Nutrition (3)
HLTH 330 Disease Prevention (2)
PE 310 Sport and Play in the United States (3)
PE 311 Motor Learning (2)
PE 320 Anatomical Kinesiology (3)
PE 321 Human Physiology (3)
PE 365 Health and Fitness Instructor (3)
PE 420 Biomechanics (3)
PE 421 Physiology of Exercise (3)
PE 469 Internship (2-12)
PE 473 Exercise Testing and Interpretation (3)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
PE 310 - Sport and Play in the US
Restricted Electives
( 17 credits )
Elective course selections should be made in close consultation with students advisor, depending upon the career goals of the student. 17 credits.
Recommended for students interested in a career as a fitness professional:
ENTR 230 Entrepreneurial Finance (3) *was BUS 230
ENTR 231 Entrepreneurial Leadership & Organization (3) *was BUS 231
ENTR 232 Entrepreneurial Marketing (3) *was BUS 232
PE Exercise Science Activity Courses (Maximum of 4 credits)
PE 100 – Aerobics (1)
PE 102 – Weight Training I (1)
PE 136 – Pilates (1)
PE 137 – Yoga (1)
PE 190 – Topics (1)
PE 193 – Elementary School Activities (1)
PE 202 Strength and Conditioning Exercise Techniques (1)
PE 302 Strength and Conditioning Program Design (2)
PE 452 Adapted PE (3)
PE 364 Group Exercise Instruction (3)
PE 460 Principles of Coaching (3)
PE 474 Tests and Measurements in PE (3)
Recommended for students applying to a graduate program (exercise physiology, cardiac rehab, rehabilitative science):
AT 210 Medical Terminology (1)
BIOL 111/BIOL 111L Cell Biology and lab (4)
BIOL 115/BIOL 115L Organismal Biology and lab (4)
BIOL 323/BIOL 323L Human Anatomy and lab (4)
BIOL 349/BIOL 349L Human Physiology and lab (4)
CHEM 150/CHEM 150L General Chemistry I and lab (4)
CHEM 210/CHEM 210L General Chemistry II and lab (4)
MATH 234 Intro to Probability and Statistics (3)
PE 321 Human Physiology (3)
PHYS 160 College Physics I and lab (4)
PHYS 161 College Physics II and lab (4)
PSY 202 Developmental Psychology (3)
PSY 463 Abnormal Psychology (3)
Recommended for students interested in health and wellness:
HLTH 190 Topics
HLTH 327 Safety Education and Consumer Protection (3)
HLTH 412 Education for Sexuality and HIV/AIDS (3)
Recommended to improve communication and computer skills:
CSIS 103 Computer Concepts and Applications (3)
ENGL 286 Writing for the Workplace (3)
ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3)
COMM 100 Speech Communication (3)