Certificate of Proficiency in International English {19-20}
Certificate of Proficiency in International English
The Certificate of Proficiency in International English recognizes non-native speakers of English who have demonstrated a sufficient level of knowledge of English, literacy skills, and communication skills for the purposes of interacting personally and professionally in English with other English speakers around the world.
Admission Requirements
- Completion of secondary school, verified by a transcript evaluation service
- 1 year of demonstrated English language study
- Financial Self-sufficiency Statement
- US $20.00 application fee
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate proficiency in English in all four language domains
- Demonstrate knowledge of English morphology and syntax
- Apply knowledge of English to personal and professional tasks in all four language domains, such as listening and speaking in discussions and debates, reading sources of current events, or writing for technical or business purposes
- Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills and active learning strategies
- Develop familiarity with contemporary world events across a variety of topics
- Apply knowledge of contemporary world events to interpersonal communications in appropriate ways with a variety of people
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 19 credits )
Skill/Content Area
Pronunciation Accuracy
ELP 101 Pronunciation Lab I (1) or
ELP 201 Pronunciation Lab II (1) or
ELP 301 Pronunciation Lab III (1)
Oral Skills
ELP 302 Discussions and Debates (3) or
TEFL 101 Oral Presentations I (3) and
TEFL 201 Oral Presentations II (3)
ELP 203 Reading III (3) or
TEFL 103 Academic Reading I (3)
ELP 204 English Writing II (3) or
TEFL 104 Academic Writing I (3)
ELP 205 Intermediate English Syntax II (3) or
TEFL 105 Advanced English Syntax I (3)
ELP 206 General Academic Vocabulary (3) or
TEFL 106 Vocabulary for Subject Studies I (3)
Contemporary World Events
ELP 307 Contemporary America and World Events (3)