B.S. Degree in Elementary Inclusive Education {21-22}
B.S. Degree in Elementary Inclusive Education
To receive the B.S. Degree in Elementary Inclusive Education, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits with a 2.75 GPA or higher is required to graduate with this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum. Admission to SARTE is required to enroll in upper-division ED, STL, or SPED courses. A student may choose to pursue special education through the Special Education Academic and Behavior Strategist option for this degree. A grade of C- or higher is required in all core requirements, related requirements, and emphasis requirements.
Admission Requirements
Teacher Education information can be found HERE
Student Learning Outcomes
The following performance outcomes are based on the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) Standards and are aligned with the conceptual framework for the education unit. MSUM teacher candidates are becoming professionals who are knowledgeable, reflective, humanistic and creative who will:
- Demonstrate knowledge of content.
- Designs organized, effective, and appropriate lessons.
- Uses appropriate informal and/or formal assessment methods to evaluate.
- Demonstrate knowledge of human development through appropriate interaction activities and demeanor.
- Demonstrate competence in employing appropriate technology.
- Express ideas articulately in written and oral communication.
- Recognize individual differences and gives opportunities for diverse learners to learn.
- Foster a safe, compassionate and respectful educational environment that promotes learning.
- Guide student behavior effectively and appropriately.
- Solicit suggestions and feedback from others and is receptive to them.
- Analyze own performance and seeks sources of improvement.
- Plan creative lessons and units.
- Employ diverse teaching strategies.
- Maintain professional conduct as evidenced by punctuality, interaction with others, preparedness and initiative.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
ED 205 Introduction to Education (3)
ED 294 Educational Psychology (3)
ED 310 Social Foundations of Education (3)
SPED 225 Individuals with Exceptionalities (3)
STL 325 Principles of Inclusive and Responsive Teaching: Technology Emphasis (2)
Students who choose not to add Special Education Licensure must complete at least 12 credits of STL 481E Student Teaching: Elementary.
ART 350 Methods and Materials: Art for the Elementary Classroom (3)
MATH 406 Mathematics in the Elementary School (3)
STL 226 Social Studies Content for Elementary Teachers (2)
STL 230 Child Development & Learning for Teachers (3)
STL 295 Foundations of Language & Literacy (3)
STL 365 Responsive Teaching I: Learning Environments & Differentiation (3)
STL 380 Models of Teaching & Assessment (3)
STL 395 Literacy Methods I (3)
STL 441 Children's Literature (3)
STL 465 Responsive Teaching II: Collaboration & Team Decision Making (3)
STL 474 Methods in Teaching Elementary Science & Environmental Education (3)
STL 476 Methods for Teaching Elementary Social Studies (3)
STL 480 Advanced Models of Teaching & Assessment (3)
STL 482 Behavior, Trauma, and Mental Health in the Classroom (3)
STL 495 Literacy Methods II (3)
STL 452E/SPED 452E Senior Level Field Experience (2)
STL 481E Student Teaching: Elementary (8-16)
Total: 60 credits + student teaching credits (8-16) = 68-76 credits
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
STL 482 Behavior, Trauma, and Mental Health in the Classroom
Related Requirements
( 21 credits )
BIOL 370 Exploring Biology (3)
COMM 100 Speech Communication (3)
GEOS 170 Earth Science Today (3)
MATH 110 Introduction to Mathematics (3)
MATH 303 Foundations of Number Systems (3)
MATH 304 Informal Geometry (3)
PSCI 170 Physical Science I (3)
Emphasis in Special Education Academic and Behavioral Strategist Option
Program Requirements
SPED 402 Characteristics of Students with Mild Disabilities (3)
SPED 403 Methods: Mild Disabilities (4)
SPED 410 Methods and Strategies of Special Education Assessment (3)
SPED 410L Special Education Lab (2)
SPED 414 IEP Policies and Methods (2)
SPED 468M ABS Middle/Secondary Competency Based Field Experience (6)
SPED 470 Secondary Services and Transitional Planning (4)
SPED 471 Behavioral and Environmental Management (3)
SPED 480 Legal/Social Foundations of Special Education (3)