BS Degree in Entertainment Industries and Technology {22-23}

B.S. Degree in Entertainment Industries and Technology

In depth study of the entertainment industry including topics in business, legal, and technology associated with careers in specific areas within the entertainment industry. Students will choose one or more areas of interdisciplinary study to further focus their skills.
To receive the B.S. Degree in Entertainment Industries and Technology, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.

Admission Requirements

  • Students interested in the B.S. in Entertainment Industries and Technology may declare their major upon being accepted to Minnesota State University Moorhead.
  • A placement interview with Entertainment Industries and Technology faculty is required, and must be scheduled during your first week of classes.
  • This program has a laptop/iPad requirement. Current equipment specifications as well as any purchase or rental options will be discussed during the first semester of enrollment in the EIT program.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify where skills cross-over exists between many different areas within the entertainment industry.
  • Students will be able to adapt to many areas across the entertainment industry.
  • Students will synthesize their research and writing into an appropriate professional portfolio of their work that addresses their specific area of focus within entertainment. 
  • Students will be able to function at a professional level within their specific chosen area(s) of concentration within the entertainment industry.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 22 credits )

Student must declare an emphasis for this program. Students must earn a grade of C- or higher in all core requirements.

EIT 160 Intro to the Entertainment Industry (1)
EIT 161 Intro to Copyright and Trademark (3)
EIT 180 Critical Listening and Sound Analysis I (2)
EIT 261 Legal and Ethical Issues in Entertain. (3)
EIT 361 Entertainment Activity (1 x 4)
EIT 461 Entertainment Entrepreneurship (3)
EIT 492 Professional Seminar (3) (WI)
ACCT 230 Principles of Accounting I (3)

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
EIT 492 Professional Seminar (3)

Program Requirements

Students must complete 120 credits total, including LASC and FYE 101, with 40 credits at the 300-level, or higher. Students will choose courses within the approved interdisciplinary rubrics. They are also encouraged to choose a minor (s) from these areas. A customized specialization through courses in other areas not listed is also possible on a case-by-case basis. Students will be allowed to choose a minor or specialized plan after successful completion of EIT 160. Students will choose either one or both emphasis areas. Students who elect to do both emphasis areas will be limited to 8 credits of electives from approved areas.

  • Students will choose from the following interdisciplinary rubrics to complete their degree.
  • Students may choose to do a specialized plan by mandatory consultation with their primary academic advisor and a representative from the chosen specialty area.
  • Approved interdisciplinary rubrics are as follows (must have 30 elective credits): ACCT, BUS, COMM, EIT, ENTR, FILM, GID, MUS, POL, THTR

Emphasis in Audio Technology

Program Requirements ( 29 credits )

EIT 181  Audio and Technology Theory (3)
EIT 182  Intro to Audio Recording  (2)
EIT 280 Critical Listening and Sound Analysis II (3)
EIT 281 Live and Studio Production (3)
EIT 381 Studio Projects (3)
EIT 382 Live Sound Reinforcement/Recording (3)
EIT 383 Sound for Film and Video (3)
EIT 481 Advanced Studio Projects (3)
THTR 255 Stagecraft (3)
THTR 356 Lighting Studio (3) every other year

Emphasis in Entertainment Business

Program Requirements ( 26 credits )

EIT 362 Artist and Venue Management (2)
ENTR 229 Start Your Own Business (3)
ENTR 232 Entrepreneurial Marketing (3)
POL 251 Legal Research and Writing (WI) (3)
POL 321 Employment Law (3)
POL 350 Contract Law and Drafting (3)
COMM 301 Business and Professional Communication (3)
COMM 383 Event Planning (3)                        
COMM 351 Messaging for Mobile (3)