
Course Code
BIOL 349  Credits
Title Human Physiology 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 OR CHEM 110 OR CHEM 110L OR CHEM 210 OR CHEM 210L BIOL 111 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The study of human physiology from cellular homeostasis through organ systems. Includes the study of normal function, regulation, and integration of organ systems, and the implications of abnormal function. 

Course Code
BIOL 349L  Credits
Title Human Physiology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 349 

Course Code
BIOL 350  Credits
Title Microbiology 
Prerequisite BIOL 115 CHEM 210 CHEM 210L BIOL 111 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Covers concepts of basic and applied microbiology, emphasizing bacteriology and introducing virology and immunology. Laboratory covers basic microbiological techniques, identification of unknowns as well as a group research project. With lab. 

Course Code
BIOL 350L  Credits
Title Microbiology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab that accompanies Biol 350 

Course Code
BIOL 360  Credits
Title Cellular and Molecular Physiology 
Prerequisite BIOL 111 BIOL 111L 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course involves the biological, biochemical, and molecular study of homeostasis at the cellular level. Key concepts include protein function, membrane function, signal transduction, electrical conduction, and cellular and intracellular movements. 

Course Code
BIOL 360L  Credits
Title Cellular and Molecular Physiology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab component of Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 

Course Code
BIOL 365  Credits
Title Developmental Biology 
Prerequisite BIOL 341 BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description A study of the mechanisms of development in a variety of biological systems, with analyses of changes from conception through aging. With lab. 

Course Code
BIOL 365L  Credits
Title Developmental Biology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Lab to accompany Biol 365 sections. 

Course Code
BIOL 370  Credits
Title Exploring Biology 
Lasc Area Goal 10  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description General biology course designed for non-majors (namely Early Childhood and Elementary Education) with an emphasis on human biology, basic concepts in ecology, and the impact of specific environmental problems. The course includes two lab hours integrated into the bi-weekly meeting times. MnTC Goal 10. 

Course Code
BIOL 372  Credits
Title Aquatic Biology 
Prerequisite BIOL 111 BIOL 115 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description A general overview of aquatic ecosystems. This course includes basic physical and chemical properties of water (limnology), evolution and ecology of fishes (ichthyology), and resource conservation and management. With lab. 

Course Code
BIOL 385  Credits
Title Molecular Biology 
Prerequisite BIOL 341 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Molecular biology of the gene with emphasis on gene structure and expression in eukaryotes. Topics include current techniques used to study genomes, genes and regulation of gene expression. 

Course Code
BIOL 385L  Credits
Title Molecular Biology Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is required for students in the Biology/Chemistry double major with an emphasis in Biochemistry and Biotechnology. The course may be used as an elective by students in other biology programs. 

Course Code
BIOL 390  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in Biology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a topical course and may be repeated when the topic changes. 

Course Code
BIOL 400  Credits
Title Biochemistry I 
Prerequisite CHEM 350 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A survey of the chemistry and metabolism of living systems. Topics include buffers and biological buffering, structure, function and chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and enzymes, and introduction to metabolism and metabolic pathways.  

Course Code
BIOL 402  Credits
Title Principles of Animal Behavior 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The genetic, ecological, evolutionary and physiological aspects of animal behavior including the historical background, kin selection, communication, aggression, navigation, and reproductive behavior. With lab. 

Course Code
BIOL 405  Credits
Title Biochemistry Laboratory I 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Representative experiments in the quantitation, isolation and metabolism of naturally occurring substances. Techniques include: assay development, column chromatography, protein and nucleic acid isolation and analysis, protein electrophoresis, and enzymology. 

Course Code
BIOL 406  Credits
Title DNA as Destiny: Genetics and Society 
Lasc Area Goal 9  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course examines the various ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of genetic research and the applications of current and future applications of new genetic technologies. It is designed to provide students in any major, with the necessary background to make informed decisions about these issues in a socially and civically responsible manner. MnTC Goal 9. 

Course Code
BIOL 410  Credits
Title Biochemistry II 
Prerequisite CHEM 400 BCBT 400 BIOL 400 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A survey of the chemistry and metabolism of living systems and nucleic acids biochemistry. Topics include study of catabolic and biosynthetic biochemical pathways and their regulation, chemical messengers and signal transduction, integration of metabolic pathways and nucleic acids biochemistry and other advanced biochemistry topics.  

Course Code
BIOL 423  Credits
Title Advanced Gross Anatomy 
Prerequisite BIOL 125 and BIOL 126 OR BIOL 323 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Advanced Gross Anatomy will focus on several modules studying the anatomical differences between females and males in response to sex hormones. Emphases is on clinical applications that arise due to anatomical differences between the sexes. 

Course Code
BIOL 423L  Credits
Title Advanced Gross Anatomy Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a zero credit lab that accompanies BIOL 423