Minor in Environmental Geology {23-24}
Environmental Geology
A minor in Environmental Geology prepares students to address problems and find solutions in surface and ground water issues, natural resources, landscape evolution, geochemistry, and other aspects of geological work.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to use geological data to solve problems in ground water flow and chemistry, landscape evolution, and interpretation of subsurface and surface processes.
- Students will be able to use chemical, map, fossil, and landscape data to address problems in environmental, resource, or archaeological work.
Core Requirements
( 12 credits )
GEOS 109 Processes and History of a Dynamic Planet (3)
GEOS 109L Introductory Geology Lab (1)
GEOS 110 Water, Land, and People: An Introduction to Physical Geography (3)
GEOS 110L Water, Land, and People: An Introduction to Physics Geography Lab (1)
GEOS 209L Problems in Introductory Geology (2)
GEOS 211L Problems in Water, Land, and People (2)
( 9 credits )
Nine credits must be taken from the following:
GEOS 301 Archaeological Prospection (3)
GEOS 303 Mineralogy and Petrology (3)
GEOS 304L Problems in Mineralogy and Petrology (2)
GEOS 305 Oceanography (3)
GEOS 315 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3)
GEOS 330 Elementary Meteorology (3)
GEOS 340 Economic and Environmental Geology (3)
GEOS 345 Principles of Geomorphology and Hydrology (3)
GEOS 360 Planetary Science (3)
GEOS 361L Problems in Planetary Science (1)
GEOS 415 Reading Geochemical Fingerprints (3)
GEOS 416 Paleontology (3)
GEOS 417L Problems in Geochemistry (2)
GEOS 370 Structural Geology and Mapping (3)